TreeSong Day 3

There was less wind moving the branches of the tree today so the sound had a different quality to the breezier days before – still just as hypnotic and beautiful though.

Comments from visitors:

A great use of nature to provide a very spiritual and enlightening experience… I’m very much taken back to Stonehenge!

This is stunningly beautiful.

Thanks, really amazing! x

Really cool and clever, love the music.

Beautiful, unique and very impressive!

A beautiful sound, but not sure about the artificial bird sound from the boxes?

Original and very interesting.

Hoping there will be (tapes!) audio recording of this for home use. A very relaxing experience.

It was an amazing experience!

Beautiful – magical 🙂

Brian Eno would be proud…

Amazing experience. The sounds are so varied and musical!

Shame it’s not on for longer!

A fun innovative idea. I cycled from Stoke Gifford to visit the tree.

Magical – a very calming experience. Great work.

Very clever (Annabel, 5 years)

Relaxing & atmospheric

Fascinating – reminiscent of Coil! Would love to buy a copy of the recording.

I agree, would love to purchase the footage! Such an amazing way of getting people to engage with nature, by incorporating creativity 🙂

How unique! Great to see and hear the experiment myself. Thanks

Very interesting – look forward to the composition.

Ground breaking stuff – how clever and interesting! Thank you for taking the time to explain it to us.

European Green Capital 2015 has and continues to be brilliant.

Enjoying a walk in the sun and came across this amazing sound installation, hoping it will be my baby due 4/10 to come out and see this amazing world. (Sam & bump)


Love it!

Very inspirational. Love from Soph & Mat, Wales xxx

It’s not rock and roll but pretty damn good. Very innovative idea. B.R.<Boston, MA, USA

Compelling & crazy – I love it!

Completely surprising and mesmerising, Can’t wait for the resulting concert.

Could spend hours stood listening. Looking forward to the recordings!

This is truly an experience to take in! Thanks for being here for the perfect ending for my bike ride! Beautiful! (Kate Feller, Avon, NY USA)

A really amazing idea – love how nature and music create a unique composition. (Sarah, Windsor)